Dental Implant Bone Tack Kit Dental Bone Tac
One Bone Tack Holder, One Case, 5 Bone Tack(5mm), 9 Bone Tack(3mm), One Hexa driver(0.9mm)
This item is being used and popular to use to hold membrane, titanium mesh, wire when you build new bone shape, reconstructive surgery, bone grafting etc.
For dental professionals who does advanced surgery such as bone graft, sinus lift, reconstructive, bone collect, bone compressing etc, must have this item for the best result of surgery. High quality products made by alloy. This item can be used as much as you want and easy to use very aggressive design on products.
Dental Implant Bone Tack Kit Dental Bone Tac
- Dental Bone Tack Kit
3mm and 5.2mm length
Titanium level 4
Titanium mesh & membrane hold
الأسنان تك العظام
стоматологична костна халс
zubní kost lepivost
tandheelkundige bot tack
Zahnärztlichen Knochen Tack
οδοντιατρική οστών καρφί
טקטיקת עצם שיניים
fogászati csont tack
चिकित्सकीय हड्डी कील
tack osso dentale
dental bein tack
stomatologiczne tack kości
Aderência do osso dental
зубная кость галс
Tachuela de hueso dental
dentalt ben klibb
tack xương răng